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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Resilience - Operational Resilience

Showing 8 of 1113

Enable Op Res to be viewed on the Mobile app

Enhance the mobile app to show the Op Res module details, especially the Products & Services with their linkages to the supporting processes. This would be especially useful during a crisis event which was impacting a Product/Important Busines...
Steve Barnett 2 months ago in Resilience - Mobile / Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

Update Peaks and Deadlines

Peaks and deadlines needs to be updated to enable multiple months to be selected. This is a requirement for financial and insurance companies where they have seasonal peaks e.g., Winter Peak happens November to January or summer peak happens June ...
Gill Driscoll over 1 year ago in Resilience - BIAs / Resilience - Operational Resilience 3 Future consideration

It would be ideal having specific timeframes for RPO, RTO and MTPD

It would be ideal having specific timeframes for RPO, RTO and MTPD
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

Ability to directly attach a file (not just a related item) to a Product/Service Entry

We recently added the ability to associated a related item (attachment or action) to a product/service. However, this requires that a file already be available in the files section and it is also challenging to find the right filename for our larg...
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

Ability to Archive a Product & Service

Can we please be able to Archive a Product & Service as we can with BIA's.
Ann Clark over 1 year ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

Document Templates require input section for OpRes Activities/Process

Currently the document template has input sections for Products & Services Summary, Impact Tolerance and End to End Mapping. It does not have any functionality to include OpRes Activities/Process. This is a regulatory requirement for anyone us...
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

OpRes Module - 'Pin' a filter view of Products and Services

All products and services are stored in the OpRes Module, however this distracts from the intent of the Module to focus on Important Business Services - appreciate this can't be changed in the build of the system however can the filter be 'pinned'...
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 0 Future consideration

Should be Able to Change Product/Service Verbiage

I have a client who has changed the Product/Service library to "Programs and Services." According to Support, there is no way for them to change the verbiage in the gray box on the page that appears before any items have been added to the library ...
Amanda Feest 8 months ago in Resilience - Operational Resilience 1 Future consideration