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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Active Risk

Showing 167 of 1118

Ability to configure Tool Tip help messages for each data field in ARM

To be able to configure a custom tool tip help message for every data field included in Tools > Admin > Fields and Workflow. Ideally, the tool tips will be configured per label set and per language set. No pre-defined text, as this would be ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 1 Future consideration

More custom fields

This enhancement would be to make more custom fields available for records, including field types such as multi-select trees for record types that do not already have these available 1. resource lists2. single select lists3. multi select lists4. h...
Nick Ridout almost 4 years ago in Active Risk 2 Future consideration

Extend Bulk Update functionality by making more fields available for updates.

Bulk Update functionality allows the user to update several Risks and Responses at a time. However, the user is limited to a set number of fields which are available for this. It is important to be able to make bulk changes to a variety of fields ...

To be able to access all data in ARM for a specific date (Historical Data)

At the moment, only certain historic information is available for a specified date (through RPM), i.e. to be able to view the risk score on a specific date in the past. Not all areas of ARM are available to be viewed in this way. Idea is for all i...

Ability to tag or @ mention another user in a comment

RFP requirement: Ability to include audit notes/comments following each review/update to be recorded with each risk, including functionality to tag another user in a comment which generates a notification with a 'deep link' to the relevant data item.
Guest 11 months ago in ARM - Notifications and Alerts 0 Future consideration

Ability to reorder custom Multi-Select field list items

In a custom Multi-Select field, whenever you add a new list item, its added as the last list item and appears at the end of list. This does not help if there is an incremental or hierarchical list as the client requires a particular list item to a...
Amir Abdul Rauf over 3 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 1 Future consideration

Making ‘RiskExpressHyperlink’ available on the 'Response Alerts' as well for ‘Risk Alerts’.

Making 'RiskExpressHyperlink' available on the 'Response Alerts' as well for 'Risk Alerts' within the Alert Configuration settings. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-279
Ron Towers about 3 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Notifications and Alerts 0 Future consideration

Configurable grids e.g. response grids in Risk Detail form

Allow grids used in desktop detail forms to be configurable. This would allow an admin user to select the columns to be displayed in the selected grid. The ability for widened or narrowed grid columns to have their widths remembered would also be ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 1 Future consideration

Scoring Schemes: allow cost impacts based off a percentage of contract value as opposed to strict dollar value

Scoring Schemes to have a way to have cost impacts based off a percentage of contract value as opposed to a strict dollar value Allow scoring schemes and qualitative / qualitative bands to be defined as % of a budget. Budget defined down that the ...

Assign 3 point estimates based on scoring scheme bandings

Currently when using the one click entry for risk impacts a mid band quantity is entered. This will be the same value for min/exp/max depending on distribution type chosen. Request is to automatically add the upper and lower bands to the min/max w...