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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.



Showing 1125 of 1125

Report Template - Validation Comparison report with customizable fields

Client would like to see a new report template that mimics the Valuation comparison template, but has customizable field selections (like claim Ad Hoc) and at least a few more Valuation selections. (current valuation report is limited to 2 valuati...
Guest almost 3 years ago in CS - Reporting & Analytics - Standard/Crystal 1 Future consideration

Restrict or control the list of available values in drop-down lists

It would be helpful if we could restrict or control what values are selectable by certain users from drop-down fields. This would enable us to only display values that are relevant to the specific user. The values that are displayed or selectable ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Future consideration

Final Approver missing from template

When creating a new BIA, using the template, the Final Approver section is missing. I can add the Owner and Contributors, but then have to save the project and go back in to add the Final Approver. This seems to be an unnecessary extra step
Guest almost 1 year ago in Resilience - BIAs 0 Future consideration

"Go Directly to..." to *automatically* activate the cursor in the "Element ID" field?

Is it possible to program "Go Directly to..." to *automatically* activate the cursor in the "Element ID" field?
Wendolyn Flores about 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Risk express should be capable of displaying all the risks/records in the ARM system if called by a filter.

Risk Express takes a long time to load results, when a filter with large number of risks records is called, It is taking about 5 to 7 minutes to return 4000 records in Risk Express. Risk Express should be capable of displaying records faster.
deepak jonnalagadda about 2 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Other Interfaces (Risk Express, Verify, SnappIT, Surveys, ARM apps) 1 Will not implement

View documents from the vault directly

Ability to view documents from the vault without downloading. PDF documents should be viewable directly on the screen. This will cover most of the records from the vault.

Expand the character limit on text fields in the Impact section

Currently the character limit on text fields is 2048 characters which is significantly limiting the ability of my users to properly justify their scoring of their risks. In Ascent for example we quite often have detailed multi-layered consequences...
Peter Grosvenor about 3 years ago in Active Risk 0 Future consideration

In Clearsight: Allow for fields like Occurrence Number to be links in the Claim Summary

Client's workflow is log transaction at the claim level but put notes at the occurrence level. In Enterprise they would use the link button drop down from the financial page. However in clearsight they have to navigate to Claim information page to...
Guest about 4 years ago in CS - Claims Administration 0 Will not implement

Option to filter Custom Letters by Special Analysis fields on CLAIM record

Certain custom letters are only applicable to certain states. Client has requested the option to select what state letters pertain to, such as SPECIAL40 is "Jurisdiction State". If the user creates a letter that would only apply where the claim's ...
Shannon Stout about 2 years ago in CS - Claims Administration 0 Future consideration

Browser Should Show our Application Name

Currently in Enterprise the browser window will show that your in 'Enterprise - <CLIENT-NAME>'. But in ClearSight all you see is 'StormsWrapper'. I have a client complaining that this will be confusing for users when they have many browsers ...
Guest about 4 years ago in CS - ClearSight Platform - General 1 Will not implement