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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


All ideas

Showing 796

column filtering in Risk Express

In the Risk Express interface, it would be useful if column filtering was available not just sort order (same functionality in Desktop) Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-315
Guest almost 3 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Other Interfaces (Risk Express, Verify, SnappIT, Surveys, ARM apps) 0 Future consideration

Integration with a MS Teams site to be used as part of the Crisis Management module.

It would be useful if we could use a teams site to run the actual crisis management committee.
Kim Sanderson 6 months ago in  1 Future consideration

System notifications should not just be based on the approval date but should also flag/notify for users based on due date

Some plans are new and would never have been approved and users need to be notified via the due date when they need to be approved, else they will never receive the reminder.
Guest 12 months ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration 0 Future consideration

Ability for Proper Licensing Tracking and Guard Rails for ClearSight

Currently, there are no restrictions for any one who has proper access to add users or functionality even if they have not been licensed for them. The ask here is to put in a product feature that: Define the number of users (and types) they are li...
Patrick Eslick almost 4 years ago in CS - ClearSight Platform - General 1 Future consideration

Limit Attachment Sizes

There is an event condition that allows you to evaluate an attachment size, however, it does not work. I am not sure if it ever was intended or if that is the best way to approach this, but given the aggressive nature and pricing of our storage, c...
Guest almost 4 years ago in ClearSight 0 Future consideration

Make the "Archived" Box on New Notification More Clear

When creating a new Notification, there is a checkbox that says "Archived." In talking with Product, I learned that selecting this box will cause the message to be archived immediately after it is sent. I'd suggest we make this more clear, e.g., b...
Amanda Feest 12 months ago in Resilience - Notifications 0 Future consideration

Ability for HC Event Reviewers to easily view all the event review records tied to a parent record

Event Reviewers today have to go to the parent record and then open each event review record separately to see information from other reviewers. In some cases, the event reviewer has to wait for one event reviewer to complete their work before sta...
Guest over 2 years ago in Riskonnect Healthcare 0 Future consideration

Automated process or simplified system report to get user security

Streamlined sys report to document user security information such as security groups/access/permission set.
Guest almost 4 years ago in ClearSight 1 Future consideration

GRI / SASB Standards in systems for Environmental Metrics Tracking

There are multiple opportunities whereby prospects have asked about our ability to align or provide OOTB to the GRI and SASB sustainability standards.
Guest almost 4 years ago in EHS - Health & Safety 0 Future consideration

Need ability to create custom views and search options for SIM records

Currently we cannot create any views or perform any searches on SIM records. We need the same functionality on SIM that we have for Tasks. Let users create private or custom views, select their own search fields, etc.
Shannon Stout over 3 years ago in CS - Claims Administration 1 Future consideration