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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Resilience - Administration & Configuration

Showing 66 of 1113

System notifications should not just be based on the approval date but should also flag/notify for users based on due date

Some plans are new and would never have been approved and users need to be notified via the due date when they need to be approved, else they will never receive the reminder.
Guest 11 months ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration 0 Future consideration

Alerts for BIA/Plan Updates

Since we allow our BIA owners/contributors to make updates to their BIAs/Plans whenever they want, we would like to have an alert that let's us know when updates are made. This will allow us to review the new changes/updates and in our case, add t...
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - BIAs / Resilience - Plans 0 Future consideration

Allow Permissions Specific to SSO Settings and Mobile Settings

A client wants to set up a user role that has access to SSO Settings and Mobile Settings (under Manage My Account). It seems that permission to view/edit these settings can only be granted to users with the Account Owner role or to users that have...
Amanda Feest 6 months ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - Mobile 0 Future consideration

Option to Make "Show on Mobile" Default Selection

A client has suggested that it would be a time-saver to be able to set "Show on Mobile" as the default selection for Plans, Documents, and for Attachments added to Plans and Documents, so that this option does not need to be checked every time.
Amanda Feest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - Mobile 0 Future consideration

Add Lowest Requested RTO and Highest Impact Rating to Location Library Entries

Location library entries should have Lowest Requested RTO and Highest Impact Rating fields that show the lowest requested RTO and highest impact rating for the location from BIAs. This should be a field that clients can make visible or hide. This ...

Allow Clients to Modify "Prompt" Text for Default Dropdown Fields

Clients should be able to modify the "prompt" text that appears for default dropdown fields. For example, when creating an Internal Contact, a client pointed out that the prompt for the State dropdown - "Please Select a Subregion" - is weird termi...
Amanda Feest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - Business Continuity - General 1 Will not implement

Multiple BIA Scales

Currently only 1 BIA scale can be used in the system, but if utilising different BIA templates it would be useful to be able to have different scales to choose from. Greater accuracy of impact and use case for BIA templates - e.g. one scale for de...
Guest over 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - BIAs 2 Future consideration

Add Czech Language - Requirement for Datacons (Partner)

Charlie Longridge is working with an established partner (Datacons), they are already working with us on Project Risk. They are looking to become a reseller of BC&R and have some opportunities with us.
Bradley Cornwell over 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration / Resilience - Business Continuity - General 0 Future consideration

Imported User in RK Resilience

When importing users I want to able to update all the fields that are available onscreen. It needs to include : Preferred Language Preferred Distance Measurement Time Zone Mobile Phone
Ben Cartlidge about 1 year ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration 0 Future consideration

Send Welcome Email through import

When importing Users I want to be able to trigger the welcome email from the import. Where there are hundreds of users sending the welcome email one by one is not feasible.
Ben Cartlidge 7 months ago in Resilience - Administration & Configuration 0 Future consideration