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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Active Risk

Showing 131

Allow projects to be updated even when MSP project id has changed e.g. when user has done 'save as'

Sometimes the schedule is provided by a 3rd party contractor or for other reasons is saved as a new schedule file e.g. to create snapshots or other baselines, when full project server capabilities are not available. This process unfortunately resu...

Risk Express - Add ability to select Response Type when adding a Response in grid view

Response Type cannot be selected when adding a Response to a Risk in Risk Express when viewing Risks in grid view. Only the default value is available unless adding response from Risk Details page. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-177
Guest almost 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Other Interfaces (Risk Express, Verify, SnappIT, Surveys, ARM apps) 0 Future consideration

Keep Summary/Detail relationships between copied risks

Customer have a a reference library of risks that have an S/D relationship. Need to be able to copy a summary risk from a folder with the ability to take the copy risks with it an maintain the s/D relationship. Similar to copying a Bow Tie with Ca...

Setting project specific exchange rates on folder level

In previous versions of ARM (e.g. ARM 9) there was a possibility to set project specific exchange rates on folders in ARM. These exchange rates would overrule the global exchange rates for these particular projects. This functionality was later re...

Viewpoint Report Usage Report

It would be useful to have an equivalent of the Report Server Usage report which is available for SSRS, but for the new ViewPoint reports

Link CIA scores within Asset hierarchy to the risk assessments and resulting risk level scores

The main reason for this Idea is working within cyber security area allowing the system to combine confidentiality, integrity and availability ratings for the assets (CIA) with the associated risks impacting on those assets. This would most likely...
Ian Shaw over 3 years ago in Active Risk 0 Future consideration

Give warning when using qualitative band selection for a three point estimate

When a user clicks on a band (high, med, low) to score a risk it will potentially overwrite a three point estimate without warning. Users can easily loose data points

Create a permission that would allow administrators to see and delete private dashboards and filters, so they can be deleted when employees leave or projects terminate

Currently, even users with Dashboard Admin permission cannot see private dashboards. Any public filters used by private dashboards cannot be deleted. So gradually, the Dashboard space gets cluttered by private dashboards that nobody uses and nobod...
Guest 9 months ago in ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails / ARM - Dashboards / ARM - Filtering 1 Future consideration

To be able to filter on both item and risk properties at the same time

Item filtering highlights the nodes that have the properties (i.e. attributes) associated with it but doesn't bring up the risks related to those nodes in the desktop view. Combining the item and risk filtering would allow this. Original Active Ri...
Guest about 2 years ago in Active Risk 0 Future consideration

Ability see easily see chronologically preceding and proceeding response target scores when assessing a response

"Carousel of Target Response Scores" When entering or updating a target response score it's important to understand the planned mitigation sequence and the assessments relative to the response currently being worked on. Changes to the response in ...