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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Active Risk

Showing 131

Scheduled Reports

Ability to run a report and send it to a specific location at a scheduled time Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-212

Assign 3 point estimates based on scoring scheme bandings

Currently when using the one click entry for risk impacts a mid band quantity is entered. This will be the same value for min/exp/max depending on distribution type chosen. Request is to automatically add the upper and lower bands to the min/max w...

Ability to order lists such as Scoring Scheme and all other single / multi select lists

This enhancement would be to add the ability for an admin user to (re)order lists that appear in configurable drop downs, including Scoring Schemes, so that they can ensure that both the most commonly used item in the list is at the top or the def...
Nick Ridout about 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Future consideration

BowTie - Ability to View BowTie from main Risk Form

Add an additional tab to the risk form called BowTie, this should display the BowTie picture, it wouldn't be editable but would allow non BowTie and Risk Express users to understand the relationship between the Causes, Impacts and Controls. They n...

Fields that are inactive should be hidden from reports and filters

We have fields that are not active in the fields layout section of admin so are users do not see these fields on the detail forms. However, they do appear in the filter dialog and on reports. We would like to see these fields hidden in these areas...

Allow copying of user profiles

often a user will or can be setup very similar to someone else (security groups)
Guest 5 months ago in ARM - Security, Permissions and Roles 0 Future consideration

Ability to add more Custom lists

Ability to create new lists would remove the limitation of only having three custom lists available. Having the ability to add new custom lists and multi-select lists would allow me to create multiple new Risk forms as requirements are different f...
Guest over 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Future consideration

Need the ability to include in an Escalation email, who escalated the risk and comments

Currently there is no way to add to the email notification the name of the person that escalated a risk. The only way you can find this information is to use the History Search on the risk. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-302
Lisa Segrave almost 3 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Notifications and Alerts 0 Future consideration

Duplicate/Copy existing Responses

We would like to be able to duplicate a response so that it can be used in another plan. We are currently able to link a response but if you change any of the fields in one of the plans, this change takes place in the others that it is linked to. ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Active Risk 1 Future consideration

Timeout warning to be displayed to alert the user

The ARM application has a session timeout when the system sits idle for a period of time. A warning alerting the user that the session is going to timeout could give the user time to prevent this. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-31
Martin Durrant over 4 years ago in Active Risk 0 Future consideration