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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.

Status Future consideration
Categories Active Risk
Created by Ian Shaw
Created on Apr 7, 2021

Rich text editor for text fields

Provide support for rich text formatting in text fields, such as bold or coloured text, bullet points and different fonts.

Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-182

Solution Platform Active Risk
  • Attach files
  • +3

Allow font formatting when capturing risks

Customers have suggested that it would be useful to be able to format the font when capturing risk records.Types of font formatting that would be useful include: Bold Italics Strikethrough Colour (red/blue/black)
Kerry Crossland over 1 year ago in ARM - Notifications and Alerts 0 Future consideration