As described in the "ISO 31010 – Risk management – Risk assessment techniques", and other best practices "Bow Ties in Risk Management A concept Book for Process Safety" (collaborative effort by Center for Chemical Process Safety ("CCPS", NY, USA) and Energy Institute ("EI", UK) outline key elements of a Bow Tie Model. These elements are also recognized by industry leaders in bow tie software vendors such as BowTieXP and Bow Tie Pro. The key components are described in the table and graphics below.
| ARM Bow Tie | ISO 31010 | CCPS/EI |
| - | Hazard | Hazard |
| Risk/Event | Event | Top Event |
| Cause | Cause | Threat |
| Consequence | Consequence | Consequence |
| - | Escalation Factor | Degradation Factor |
| - | Escalation Control | Degradation Control |
---- see attached hazard.png ----
As currently existing in ARM Bow Tie, we can identify that Hazard, Degradation Factor and Degradation Control are missing graphical element of a Bow Tie as described in the aforementioned standards and best practices. An example of a degradation factor and control is described below.
---- see attached esclation-factor.png ----
We would like Sword GRC to consider adding Hazard, Degradation Factor and Degradation Controls elements to their bow tie elements within the software.
Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-3