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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.



Showing 183

Add a separate 'Account Creation' role right

User's can currently add a user if they have 'Add User' role right but they cannot create an account for that user if they don't have 'ARM Administration' role right. We have users who need to create accounts for other users but should not have fu...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Will not implement

PID in Dashboard- show ID instead of risk counts

When I am in the “Desktop” view I can pull a PID for a specific group and have it show the actual Risk IDs. However, when we switch to the “Dashboard” view and add PID as a widget, it seems to just number them rather than use their risk ID. Is the...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Dashboards 0 Will not implement

Risk express should be capable of displaying all the risks/records in the ARM system if called by a filter.

Risk Express takes a long time to load results, when a filter with large number of risks records is called, It is taking about 5 to 7 minutes to return 4000 records in Risk Express. Risk Express should be capable of displaying records faster.
deepak jonnalagadda almost 2 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Other Interfaces (Risk Express, Verify, SnappIT, Surveys, ARM apps) 1 Will not implement

In Clearsight: Allow for fields like Occurrence Number to be links in the Claim Summary

Client's workflow is log transaction at the claim level but put notes at the occurrence level. In Enterprise they would use the link button drop down from the financial page. However in clearsight they have to navigate to Claim information page to...
Guest about 4 years ago in CS - Claims Administration 0 Will not implement

Browser Should Show our Application Name

Currently in Enterprise the browser window will show that your in 'Enterprise - <CLIENT-NAME>'. But in ClearSight all you see is 'StormsWrapper'. I have a client complaining that this will be confusing for users when they have many browsers ...
Guest about 4 years ago in CS - ClearSight Platform - General 1 Will not implement

Add a SUMIF function to ViewPoint

A SUMIF function will allow users to sum together values that meet a specific criterion. Currently, you need to do an AggSum with an IF statement in it, which isn't as intuitive as just having a single function that handles this. This will be a mo...

Add a COUNTIF function to ViewPoint

Currently, if you want to count the rows that meet a certain criterion, you need to do an if statement that returns a 1 for true and a 0 for false. You then need to do an AggSum of these to see how many rows meet your criteria. Doing this through ...

Offline Capabilities for Intake Portals

One continuous ask that keeps coming up in RFPs is the ability for Intake Portals to be utilized offline. Many cases clients have locations or times where internet connection is spotty or non existent, whether on the road in a dead zone or on a fa...
Patrick Eslick about 4 years ago in RMIS - Intake 0 Will not implement

Need separate security permissions for Delete Draft Email

We need to be able to grant users the right to delete their own (and potentially others) draft emails, but NOT give them Delete Email rights.
Shannon Stout about 3 years ago in CS - Claims Administration 1 Will not implement

Add option for grid/list view in the Claim Timeline

For Managers and Auditors reviewing claims, it would be helpful if they could have the option to see the Claim Timeline in a grid or list.
Shannon Stout about 2 years ago in  1 Will not implement