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Customer Ideas Portal

The Customer Ideas Portal gives you the opportunity to submit Ideas for new features and functions to add to the products and vote up existing ideas that are important to your organization.

Ideas that you create are viewable by other customers, so please be mindful of the details you include in the title and description.

Your feedback is important and valuable. Thank you for taking the time to provide it!

Note: Product bugs or configuration requests that are specific to your organization should be submitted through a case on the Customer Success Portal.


Active Risk

Showing 131

Restrict or control the list of available values in drop-down lists

It would be helpful if we could restrict or control what values are selectable by certain users from drop-down fields. This would enable us to only display values that are relevant to the specific user. The values that are displayed or selectable ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Future consideration

View documents from the vault directly

Ability to view documents from the vault without downloading. PDF documents should be viewable directly on the screen. This will cover most of the records from the vault.

Expand the character limit on text fields in the Impact section

Currently the character limit on text fields is 2048 characters which is significantly limiting the ability of my users to properly justify their scoring of their risks. In Ascent for example we quite often have detailed multi-layered consequences...
Peter Grosvenor about 3 years ago in Active Risk 0 Future consideration

Custom default confidence intervals

It would be great and a big help if the admin in ARMs could set default values for confidence intervals when setting the analysis options. At the moment, the user must all the time add the confidence intervals manually although they are the same i...

Enable Reporting on User Sessions and Activity (Historic Data)

To be able to report on historic user activity, i.e. who logs on to which application, when, which day / time and to be able to report on what activities they actually performed, i.e. added a new risk, closed a risk, escalated a risk etc. Original...

ARM Desktop due dates show as overdue when set to today's date

Dates that are shown in ARM Desktop as due today are displayed as overdue in report. These dates are not overdue until this date has passed. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-47

Ability to choose which impact category is displayed on the heatmap/PID X axis

Include in ARM and in ViewPoint the ability to choose which impact category is displayed on the heatmap/PID X axis. Similar to the impact category representation on the waterfall chart that allows you to track mitigation of each of the impact indi...

Display the other BowTies that a BowTie control is linked to.

In order to identify whether or not a control is a critical control, we need to visualise where else that control is used and in how many other plans or BowTies it is used in. If a control is used in multiple BowTies, it can be deemed as a critica...

Add 'Frequency' to custom label set.

The term 'frequency' is not used in our organisation and it is not available in the label set section of admin to be able to add a custom label to replace. Original Active Risk ID: ARM-I-10
Guest over 4 years ago in Active Risk / ARM - Admin, Configuration, History and Audit trails 0 Future consideration

ARM Desktop folder tool tip

Currently when you hover over an Activity Tree folder on the ARM desktop you get a tool tip that shows the folder ID. This could be a lot more useful. Suggestion was to show Owner, number of sub folders, number of direct risks and number of child ...